Wednesday, April 11, 2012

St. Bernard! That's a HUGE Festiva! (Oct 15, 2008)

I have to say, I was absolutely relieved when I read that Ohio did it. They put the too-fat-to die rapist/murderer to death.
I'm so sick of this world that we've created, this world of try not to hurt anyone's feelings, and treat everyone with kid gloves, because heaven knows that some fat rapist murderer may get his feelings hurt....It makes me want to vomit.
But at least, Ohio had the guts to say, fat or not, your time is up, chubbo. I made me think, maybe there is justice. Even though the asshole was hateful and violent until the end. Even though he showed not an oz of remorse or regret for taking lives. Even though...there is justice, and he isn't breathing good air, and devouring tax payers dollars.
So, I say quite flippantly indeed, good riddance.
In weekendy knews,
I opted to spend saturday night at the Casa De G'no. Where we dined on fine burritos and desserted with pumpkin pie.
It needs to be said, the G'nos have a fantastic sofa. It probably seats a million comfortably.
So there we were, watching fat dogs, and the next thing I know Dave is asleep on his continent of the sofa, Lynsey's asleep in her time zone of the sofa, and I'm lounging comfortably on the australia end of the sofa (island/continent/country) profoundly amazingly asleep. I wake up to gunfire galore and Lynsey mumbling "TURN IT DOWN, DAVID!"
and Dave mumbling in return "i did."
After what seemed like an eternity of Demolition Man the Live Action Play, I groggily announced that I was haulin' it upstairs to the guest room.
The next morning I was cheerfully wakened by Lyns and her fuzzy wuzzy pupply girl. Chloe greets every day and every person with exhuberance. Like she not only has to be in that day, but she has to tackle it and absorb every moment of excitement. I love that about her.
So, she bounded, she leaped, she charmed the morning with her cuteness. She ran circles and played the chase me game, that Michael swears he and chloe created together.
Then Lyns and I set off towards Frederick, for shopping. Birthday shopping to b exact. For her husband. Since his birthday is this week.
We made it as far as the little town of Thurmont, MD. I've only been to one location in this town. That was the sheetz gas station there off of 15. But the signs were everywhere for Colorfest.
I asked Lyns what it was, and she said she didn't know, so we took a lil' trek through town.
I have to say, it is quite possible that Thurmont is the cutest town in all of Maryland. It's quaint. It's pretty. It's so starshollow that I spent a deal of time looking for Dosey's market. There was even a yellow victorian that we drove past, in a shameless attempt to avoid the $10 parking fees, that looked like Rory should be bounding out of the door.
I want to live in that house.
I want to call it home.
It was just too perfect.
Before we actually did pay for parking, we stopped at what may've been the world's bestest yard sale this side of the mason-dixon.
It was operated by two lil' old ladies and an elderly gent. The elderly man, i adored immediately.
He told us that "yes it was fine!" for us to leave our findings up at the check out table, so that we could go "get another arm full!"
I almost felt guilty for racking up on so much vintage stuff for so cheap. It made me feel like I was robbing them. Homer Laughlin serving plates, cake carriers, vintage jars, fedoras, you name it. If it was from the 50' was probably there.
It was my favorite part of Colorfest, and it wasn't even technicallly part of the fest.
At the yard sale Lyns and i ooooed and awwed over the fattest lil' pomeranian ever. She looked like a fox. And she lounged lazily in a baby stroller. I LOVE doggies in baby strollers.
I kept saying "You're so precious!"
Finally I asked the man pushing her around "What is her name?"
He said "Precious."
Which made me laugh because it was so befitting.
As I rounded the table, a man in a purple wig and a matching Raven's jersey (superfan) was holding the leash of a st. bernard. A drooling st. bernard. I said "Whoa! he's huge!"
The man said "yeah...he's only one year old, you know? 160 pounds already!"
I said "No kidding? Can i pet him?"
he said "Sure can." biting his lip, he straddled the dog, and held tight to his lead.
I stepped back and said "Does he bite?"
He said "No siree, he just gets happy and He'll knock you down."
I petted his head, and wondered if come winter, he'll wear a barrell round his neck....
Lynsey and I did make our way to the official colorfest. Tents galore. Crafty stuff. We walked around and around before stopping for Lemonade.
We meant to get a funne cake and some kettle korn (for her and dave, i despise that stuff)
If you find yourself ever in Thurmont in october, and they are having Colorfest, you should go. it's too quaint not, if you are a mullet watcher, they are out en force...
Never fear, even despite getting sidetracked at the festival (still do not know why they call it colorfest unless they are referring to the leaves?) Lynsey & I did however, finally make it to frederick, where we only crammed in a lil' bit of shopping. And a pumpkin spice latte.
I came home to find my man getting ready for work...
In addition to talking about the up-n-coming G'no party, We made plans to go to NYC this he can kiss me on top of the Empire state building

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