Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mornings are meant for Shelby Lynne and Hazelnut Coffee (Apr 23, 2009)

This morning, I woke up at 7am, but it was a chore to pull myself out of the sheets, and away from the gentle breeze of the, I kissed Michael bye and crawled back into the sheets, still warm from our sleep.

I fell into twisty dreams that involved our militant neighbor, and woke me feeling confused and frustrated. It was 8am, and I decided to just force myself away from our glorious sleep number. I stumbled my way to the coffee pot. Oh sweet folgers black silk, how I adore you.

I opened the curtains to see the sun in all it's morning glory, and much to my delight, what did I see?
Our neighbor from across the parking lot, walking with her two year old curly top. This little girl is precious. If our apartment complex had a baby contest, her blonde curles would have her going home with the trophy for cutest baby.

Her parents keep a messy apartment, much to my neat freaknessy dismay. They are obviously quite proud of their mounting messiness, as they, like us are ground floor, and they, like us, like having their curtains (aka vertical blinds) open. It's a virtual fishbowl...and their Legos on top of piles of clothes topped off by...junk/dirt.

Anyways, this little baby girl waves to me when she plays on the sidewalk, because c'mon all two year olds can play on the sidewalk unsupervised when you have a groundie apartment. Heck, if anything happens, just leap over the piles and olympics it to her rescue.

But that's besides the point, there I am, Shelby Lynne (one of my most favorites) singing a cover of Dusty's Breakfast in Bed, hazelnut coffee in's my lifeline...
I see her, Curly Top, pushing a babydoll sized stroller walking with her mom along the sidewalk.
They get near our apartment. Curly sees me and smiles that "I'm only 2, so the world is new, and there's lots to be happy about" smile.
I wave, and say "hey baby!"
She waves and pushes her stroller toward the top of our mini hill, and points into the stroller. Inside the seat part, she has put her stuffed alligator. Apparently she dressed her alligator in a dress, for their morning walk.
I smile.
She points and says "My baby."
I tell her "I like it!"
She smiles bigger and says "Bye Bye!"
And pushes her alligator baby down the sidewalk....

Not a better way to start any morning!

In other news....I'm job interviewing today....wish this girl some alligator baby luck!  

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